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Adriana Pinedo

Adriana Pinedo


Community Engagement Specialist

Adriana is a community engagement specialist focusing on the CalFresh Healthy Living project. Though her role is primarily administrative, her heart is in community interaction.

A Pomona native, Adriana has been a community organizer for many years working with youth to become civically engaged and reimagine their city. She has worked on creating and implementing policies and programing that support healthier, safer, more livable communities and brings that experience to our team. Recently, Adriana and her partner received their first baby together who suffered lifelong brain damage before birth. This new experience has made her acutely aware of the challenges and roadblocks parents and people living with disabilities face every day and the much needed changes needed to ensure quality of life for all.

Outside of work, Adriana is a member of parent groups in the SGV working to ensure people living with disabilities feel a part of their community.