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A man wearing a yellow t-shirt and sunglasses stands next to a cargo bike carrying several large water jugs. The scene is set outdoors near a brick building with blooming pink flowers in the background.

San Gabriel Valley to Launch E-Family & Cargo Bike Incentive Programs

A man with a long beard, wearing a light blue shirt and red helmet, rides a cargo bike down a street. A young child is seated in the front cargo area, wearing a helmet. Other cyclists are seen in the background on the open road during what appears to be a community biking event.
Celebrating community and family, a father and child embark on a shared journey through open streets on an electric cargo bike. (Photo: ActiveSGV)

Updated December 10, 2024. Healthy. Fun. Convenient. A few ways to describe an e-family / e-cargo bike. These tremendously capable mobility devices have become popular in recent years. However, cost remains a barrier for some SGV residents, including graduates of the GoSGV e-bike share program. 

To address this challenge and increase public awareness of the latest e-bike technology, ActiveSGV and the SGVCOG are proud to announce we are currently in the process of planning for the 2025 E-Family/Cargo Bike Incentive programs. This blog post will share updates and important information about our programs.

Incentive amounts are expected to range between $1,500 and $3,000 off the purchase of an eligible, pre-approved model from a local retailer. Whatever the level of support, participants can expect to save thousands a year on gas and maintenance costs, and even more, if they can replace a motor vehicle with one of these versatile bikes. SGV residents with children may also benefit from the priceless value of skipping their school pickup/drop-off queue!

Program Qualifications

To participate, SGV residents will need to meet one of the following four program criteria:

Program 1: Income-Qualified SGV Residents

Residents of the San Gabriel Valley (as defined by the SGVCOG) may participate if they meet Income Qualification, which may include, but is not limited to, the following programs:

CalFresh: Eligibility includes having a combined bank balance under $3,001 and living in a household with either someone aged 60 or older or a person with a disability. Learn more about CalFresh.

WIC: Eligibility includes low-to-medium income or participation in Medi-Cal, CalWORKs (TANF), or CalFresh (SNAP). It also applies to pregnant individuals, recent parents (within 6 months), or those caring for a child under age 5. Learn more about WIC.

Medi-Cal/Covered California: Eligibility depends on income and household size. Covered California offers free services connecting individuals to Medi-Cal or subsidized health plans. Learn more about Covered California Income Limits.

Program 2: SGV Residents of a Justice 40 neighborhood

Participants must live in an SGV census tract identified as part of the US Environmental Protection Agency Justice40 initiative.

Program 3: Residents of the following Communities within the I-10 Metro ExpressLanes Corridor:

• Alhambra

• Baldwin Park

• El Monte

• Monterey Park

• Rosemead

• San Gabriel

• South El Monte

• Unincorporated Avocado Heights, South San Gabriel, and North El Monte

Program 4: Pomona Residents within the Pomona TCC Grant Area

Participants must live in the approved Pomona Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) grant area. View the map here.

Additional Programs:

If you do not meet the eligibility requirements listed above, we still encourage you to explore other programs and resources. If you’re in the SGV and are interested in an e-family or e-cargo bike lifestyle, please complete this form to receive updates. Additionally, consider exploring these other local programs that may suit your needs.

  • Southern California residents with an older vehicle they are looking to retire, and who meet the AQMD’s income requirements, can look into the Replace Your Ride program which offers up to $12,000 towards a new EV, e-bike, or transit passes.
  • Pasadena Water and Power residential customers are eligible for a $500 rebate when they purchase a new qualifying electric bicycle from a bike shop located in the City of Pasadena. An additional $500 bonus rebate (up to $1,000) is available for customers currently enrolled in PWP’s income-qualified bill payment assistance program. More information can be found here.
  • Claremont residents should review the City’s e-bike webpage for information about local programs.

E-family and e-cargo bikes offer a sustainable and enjoyable way to navigate the San Gabriel Valley. Both provide an eco-friendly and efficient alternative to cars, promoting a healthier lifestyle and reducing traffic congestion. With new incentives on the horizon, there's never been a better time to consider incorporating one into your lifestyle!

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