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Bassett & Avocado Heights Advanced Energy Community

Bassett & Avocado Heights
Project Category

ActiveSGV is proud to be a part of the Bassett Avocado Heights Advanced Energy Community (or BAAEC, pronounced “bay-sea”, for short) a team of nonprofits, community organizations, and energy technology leaders helping to produce renewable energy locally. BAAEC’s mission is to create a renewable energy community in Avocado Heights and Bassett. We are engaging the community to help residents save money on energy bills and show how we can transition to a clean energy future.

Community Solar: Power your home with clean electricity from your neighborhood

With Community Solar, anyone in Bassett and Avocado Heights can get their electricity from a local renewable source, including renters and people in multi-family residences. Eligible participants will get 100% local renewable energy at a 20% discount applied to your SoCal Edison bill.

Residents must live in the Bassett, Avocado Heights or surrounding communities and be enrolled in the CARE/FERA program. This program is completely FREE. No installation is required because the discount is applied directly to your SoCal Edison bill.

Contact us to check eligibility or see if you’re eligible!

Clean Power Alliance generates clean energy. SoCal Edison delivers electricity to your home. Bassett & Avocado Heights residents subscribe to Community Solar. Subscribers save 20% on their electricity bill each month while supporting local clean energy.

Advanced Homes: Affordable sustainable home upgrade program

Advanced Homes is a free home upgrade program in our community of Bassett and Avocado Heights. 50 homeowners will create a network of Advanced Homes with energy technologies like solar panels, battery storage, and heat pumps.

Submit Interest Here!

Air Quality: BAAEC is encouraging renewable energy and electric vehicles for cleaner local air

BAAEC is partnering with SensorComm Technologies to help vehicles like school buses, public transportation, and delivery trucks in and around Bassett and Avocado Heights monitor their real-time emissions. Their tailpipe pollution monitoring can help vehicle fleet managers minimize pollution, save fuel, and extend the life of their vehicles.

Click here to contact us and learn about how you can support BAAEC’s air quality testing efforts.

Clean Commuters: Carbon- free commuting for Bassett & Avocado Heights

With the help of Green Commuter, we’re starting a local rideshare shuttle, setting up a zero emission vanpooling program, and installing electric vehicle chargers to give you more options for clean commuting. Download the Green Commuter app to get started.

Clean commuter vehicle.

News Post: Avocado Heights Activists Hitch Horses, Take to Bikes for Toxic Tour

Group of cyclists on the sidewalk.
Sam Brown from Avocado Heights Vaqueros talks to community members about ongoing health concerns and the extreme environmental impacts the Avocado Heights, La Puente and Bassett community experiences during BAAEC’s Toxic Tour Bike Ride on June 11th, 2022.

BAAEC is funded by an Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Challenge grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC), so our programs can be offered for free or at discounted rates to the community.

Upcoming Easy Access Events

E-asy Access Pop-up Flyer.

E-asy Access Pop-Up: Peck Water Conservation Park - 2 HOURS FREE BIKE RIDES Copy

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Jan 18, 2025
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8:00 am
Peck Water Conservation Park 5401 Peck Rd, Arcadia, CA 91006
Explore the Emerald Necklace! Get an e-bike from our E-asy Access Pop-Up from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Peck Water Conservation Park for up to two hours of fun, free riding.
E-asy Access Pop-up Flyer.

E-asy Access Pop-Up: Peck Water Conservation Park - 2 HOURS FREE BIKE RIDES

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Jan 19, 2025
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8:00 am
Peck Water Conservation Park 5401 Peck Rd, Arcadia, CA 91006
Explore the Emerald Necklace! Get an e-bike from our E-asy Access Pop-Up from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Peck Water Conservation Park for up to two hours of fun, free riding.